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Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Traductores de Lenguajes

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Bibliografía básica de Traductores de Lenguajes
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Aho, 2008 Aho, A. V.; Lam, M.; Sethi, R.; Ullman, J. D.:
"Compiladores: Principios, Técnicas y Herramientas"
Addison-Wesley. 2008.
Aho, 2008
Aho, 2007 Aho, A. V.; Lam, M. S.; Sethi, R.; Ullman, J. D.:
"Compilers. Principles, Techniques and Tools"
2ª ed. Addison-Wesley. 2007.
Aho, 2007
Aho, 1990 Aho, A. V.; Sethi, R.; Ullman, J. D.:
"Compiladores. Principios, Técnicas y Herramientas"
Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana. 1990.
Aho, 1990
Aho, 1985 Aho, A. V.; Sethi, R.; Ullman, J. D.:
"Compilers. Principles, Techniques and Tools"
Addison-Wesley. 1985.
Aho, 1985
Aho, 1977 Aho, A. V.; Ullman, J. D.:
"Principles of Compiler Design"
Addison-Wesley. 1977.
Aho, 1977
Aho, 1972 Aho, A. V.; Ullman, J. D.:
"The Theory of Parsing, Translation and Compiling. Vol. I: Parsing"
Prentice-Hall. 1972.
Aho, 1972
Aho, 1973 Aho, A. V.; Ullman, J. D.:
"The Theory of Parsing, Translation and Compiling. Vol. II: Compiling"
Prentice-Hall. 1973.
Aho, 1973
Appel, 2002 Appel, A. W.; Palsberg, J.:
"Modern Compiler Implementation in Java"
2ª ed. Cambridge University Press. 2002.
Appel, 2002
Bennett, 1996 Bennett, J. P.:
"Introduction to Compiling Techniques"
McGraw-Hill. 1996.
Bennet, 1996
Bornat, 1979 Bornat, R.:
"Understanding and Writing Compilers: a Do-It-Yourself Guide"
MacMillan. 1979.
Bornat, 1979
Cooper, 2002 Cooper, K.; Torczon, L.:
"Engineering a Compiler"
Morgan Kaufmann. 2002.
Cooper, 2002
Fischer, 1991 Fischer, C. N.; LeBlanc, R.:
"Crafting a Compiler with C"
Addison-Wesley. 1991.
Fischer, 1991
Grune, 2000 Grune, D.; Bal, H.; Jacobs, C; Langendoen, K.:
"Modern Compiler Design"
John Wiley & Sons. 2000.
Grune, 2000
Holmes, 1995 Holmes, J.:
"Object-Oriented Compiler Construction"
Prentice-Hall International. 1995.
Holmes, 1995
Holub, 1994 Holub, A. I.:
"Compiler Design in C"
Prentice-Hall. 1994.
Holub, 1994
Hunter, 1998 Hunter, R.:
"Essence of Compilers"
Prentice-Hall. 1998.
Hunter, 1998
Kakde, 2002 Kakde, O. G.:
"Algorithms for Compiler Design"
Charles River Media. 2002.
Kakde, 2002
Kaplan, 1994 Kaplan, R. M.:
"Constructing Language Processors for Little Languages"
John Wiley & Sons. 1994.
Kaplan, 1994
Levine, 1992 Levine, J. R.; Mason, T.; Brown, D.:
"Lex & Yacc"
O'Reilly. 1992.
Levine, 1992
Louden, 1997 Louden, K. C.:
"Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice"
PWS. 1997.
Louden, 1997
Mak, 1996 Mak, R. L.:
"Writing Compilers and Interpretes: an Applied Approach using C++"
John Wiley & Sons. 1996.
Mak, 1996
Muchnick, 1997 Muchnick, S. S.:
"Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation"
Morgan Kaufmann. 1997.
Muchnick, 1997
Parsons, 1992 Parsons, T. W.:
"Introduction to Compiler Construction"
Computer Science Press. 1992.
Parsons, 1992
Pittman, 1992 Pittman, T.; Peters, J.:
"The Art of Compiler Design: Theory and Practice"
Prentice-Hall. 1992.
Pittman, 1992
Pyster, 1988 Pyster, A. B.:
"Compiler Design and Construction"
Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1988.
Pyster, 1988
Schreiner, 1985 Schreiner, A. T.; Friedman, H. G.:
"Introduction to Compiler Construction with UNIX"
Prentice-Hall. 1985.
Schreiner, 1985
Tremblay, 1986 Tremblay, J. P.; Sorenson, P. G.:
"The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing"
MacGraw-Hill. 1986.
Tremblay, 1986
Watson, 1989 Watson, D.:
"High-Level Languages and their Compilers"
Addison-Wesley. 1989.
Watson, 1989
Watt, 2000 Watt, D.; Brown, D.:
"Programming Language Processors in Java: Compilers and Interpreters"
Prentice Hall. 2000.
Watt, 2000
Wilhelm, 1995 Wilhelm, R.; Maurer, D.:
"Compiler Design"
Addison-Wesley. 1995.
Wilhelm, 1995

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